My Blog

This is my blog. It's old. Interests: live music, simulations and modeling, languages, iPod, social and business networking, systems thinking, history of science, management, BBQ, trivia, good coffee, organizational learning, traveling, personal histories.

Saturday, February 12, 2005


Ever wonder why everything at a restaurant tastes better than stuff you make at home? One word: butter.
|| hcpark, 3:13 PM


Unless it’s a real Mexican restaurant, in which case the secret is not mantequilla (butter) but manteca (lard).
Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:02 PM  
And at Asian restaurants, the secret is often sesame oil. So much for "one theory fits all"....

BTW, check out reason #700 on, under "read why it's worth it". It's the one I submitted!
Blogger hcpark, at 3:07 PM  

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