This is my blog. It's old. Interests: live music, simulations and modeling, languages, iPod, social and business networking, systems thinking, history of science, management, BBQ, trivia, good coffee, organizational learning, traveling, personal histories.
I want to talk to a live person there, can I call you?Even with such a policy, they seem to be doing well. Proof that you don't need great customer support to succeed. You do, however, need to make sure people have the right expectation for your customer support. Think Lexus dealer vs. Uncle Shane's used car lot.
No. We are busy sourcing new products and shipping orders. You can post a comment to our community board, but we don't guarantee to respond. You should google for the manufacturer contact to get product answers – we suggest a dating service, magic 8 ball, or ouija board for general life solutions.
Will I receive customer support like I'm used to?
No. Well not really. If you buy something you don’t end up liking or you have what marketing people call “buyers remorse,” sell it on ebay. It’s likely you’ll make money doing this and save everyone a hassle. If the item doesn't work, find out what you’re doing wrong. Yes, we know you think the item is bad, but it’s probably your fault. Google your problem, or come back to that product's topic in our community and ask other people if they know. Try to call the manufacturer and ask if they know. If you give up and must return it to us, then follow on to the next FAQ entry.
How do I return a defective product?
Call the manufacturer of the product you bought. You will likely get a replacement of a new model or better item from the manufacturer. If we still haven’t dissuaded you, email with your woot order number, the name of the product you are returning, and the detailed problem with the item. We will respond with return authorization by the next business day. Because we aren’t likely to have a replacement in stock, you should be prepared for a refund only option if that’s all we can do. Know that return freight will be at your expense.