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Sunday, June 19, 2005

I'm a dummie

I've just purchased another book in the Dummies series. I've collected quite a few over the years. Here's a list of ones I've owned or borrowed:

Creating Web Pages for Dummies
Bioinformatics for Dummies
Selling for Dummies
Potty Training for Dummies
Mortgages for Dummies
Golf for Dummies

I must say that this silly series does provide very practical information to someone who wants to ask the dummie questions. I also have one book from a competing "The Compleate Idiot's Guide" series.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to National Security

So what does this collection say about me? Hmmm... bioinformatics, potty training and national security?

Two question for you:

1. What unwritten Dummies guide would help you most?
2. What unwritten Dummies guide would you be most qualified to write?
|| hcpark, 12:15 AM


I once saw someone carrying a book in this vein and it disturbed me.

I guess it could have been worse. Instead of standing at a traffic light I could have been glancing into the doctor’s office on the way to the examining room.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:09 AM  
Decision matrixes for dummies....
Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:54 PM  
Nouveaux Minnesota Cuisine for Dummies -- although someone seems to have beat me to this one (
Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:24 PM  

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