My Blog

This is my blog. It's old. Interests: live music, simulations and modeling, languages, iPod, social and business networking, systems thinking, history of science, management, BBQ, trivia, good coffee, organizational learning, traveling, personal histories.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

running from rita

We fled Houston, taking 14+ hours to get to Austin. That's a 180-mile trip that usually takes a few hours. Not sure how long we'll stay here.
|| hcpark, 4:31 PM


How did the kids do in the car for 14 plus hours?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:23 AM  
ah, a great question from a mother. They were great. In fact, amazing, considering the length of the trip.
Even when they were NOT asleep, they just sang, talked, etc.

A real blessing!
How are you guys? Just read your comment on jonssons blog.
Blogger hcpark, at 11:11 AM  
All is well. We lost a lot of tree branches, but the neighborhood as a whole looks great.

We do have one good story. Yesterday evening Joy was outside sitting on a skateboard with an umbrella letting the wind pull her down the street. A big gust of wind came, dragged her off the skateboard and lifted her off the ground about 12 inches before she let go. The umbrella flew about 60 feet in the air and then went in a southwesterly direction over the trees and houses before we lost sight of it. She has scrapes all the way up her vertabrae. Ouch.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:02 AM  

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