My Blog

This is my blog. It's old. Interests: live music, simulations and modeling, languages, iPod, social and business networking, systems thinking, history of science, management, BBQ, trivia, good coffee, organizational learning, traveling, personal histories.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

our mail today

Our mailman must hate the days that InStyle gets delivered. Have you seen the size of this magazine?!??

Today, when I picked up all the mail that had come thru the mail slot, it felt REALLY heavy. I saw the InStyle, but then I saw Ophrah! And the deluge of a holiday catalogs have already started! When will it end.

For fun, I stacked today's mail and weighed it. 8 lbs.
|| hcpark, 10:21 AM


Good grief!
Blogger Sarah Hazel, at 6:06 PM  

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